Mirai | Validu
Validu is a Learning Management System (LMS) developed by Mirai for the exchange of knowledge between professionals with different skills and abilities. On Validu users can create or follow courses or consult learning nuggets, knowledge extracts from training experiences such as conferences, workshops, seminars and research projects.
Thanks to its ease of use by any user, Validu is the ideal platform to be used in contexts such as schools, companies and organizations as it offers a single intuitive space in which to promote the exchange of knowledge allowing those who want to learn to acquire new skills and abilities from those who want teach.
What you can do with Validu
Validu has 3 different levels of user access:
The Admin is the highest level of access: this user manages the platform and has the possibility to perform the following actions:
- assign roles (creator or learner) to other users;
- adds projects and categories on which users can then create content;
- view details of courses and learning nuggets created by users.
The Creator is a figure who can both create content and take advantage of the content created by other creators.
He can create courses and learning nuggets that other creators and/or learners can access.
The Learner can only use content created by creators and therefore has no possibility to create content. Each course also has a notes section where the learner can write notes and a dedicated chat where they can discuss and clarify any doubts about the lesson.
How to create courses
With Validu you can create easily and intuitively accessible courses for the platform’s learners.
By clicking on the "Courses" item in the side menu, you can access the dedicated section where you can view your courses.
To create a new course you need to click on the "My teaching" section and then the button "+ Create Course" and fill in the various fields of the modal that appears: the card visible in the course board will be created; then the course detail tab will be displayed where you can add the various sections, chapters and files of the course.
Once completed, you can choose to publish the course directly or save it as a draft for editing later.
How to create Learning Nuggets
Validu also allows you to create small extracts of knowledge called Learning Nuggets, which are also easy to add to your collection.
By clicking on the "Learning Nuggets" item in the side menu, you can access the section Learning Nuggets where you can view the learning nuggets created by us or other Creators. In the "Created" section, there are those made by ourselves: to create a new one you need to click on the button "+ Create Learning Nuggets", choose the type of Learning Nuggets to be realized (Cliffnote, Take home message, User Experience, Exploitation) and fill in all the fields with the information that will form the Learning Nugget document. Also in this case it is possible to save the draft of the Learning Nuggets for later finishing or publish it directly: once published you can consult and share it with other users by copying the link on the page.
Files & Media Library
On Validu there is the "Files & Media" section where you can view and download all the media files inserted in the courses or Learning Nuggets of the platform so that you can easily and quickly track them without having to reopen the course.
The search can be done by typing the name of the file or course directly into the search bar or by browsing through the table pages.
To allow efficient search, the contents of the table can be displayed in alphabetical order and the date on which the file was uploaded to the platform can be consulted.
Validu's advantages
Validu is a platform that has many advantages:
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Validu is a customizable platform that can be adapted to the design of any company.
If you also want a platform that allows you to exchange knowledge within your company or between professionals with whom you collaborate, contact us to get Validu!
We will be happy to create the best proposal that meets your needs.
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