
Qt | SmartHome

The SmartHome project developed for Qt showcases the creation of a modern home where remotely connected appliances fulfill the user's needs by means of visually appealing, functional applications.

Design phase

During the design phase, our vision and ideas are shaped into the visuals and user experiences, ultimately defining the behavior of our application. What defines a future-proof smart home? What needs does it fulfill and by what means? Our journey started by addressing these basic questions on mood boards and by reviewing modern high-tech devices and IoT solutions.

Design phase


In the past, the move from design to application development has been, typically, a highly complex and convoluted one. With Qt Design Studio and Qt Bridges, importing graphics assets and converting the design into a functional UI is a straightforward operation requiring just a few simple steps.


3D Graphics

3D graphics are essential to create immersive environments and to visualize real-life objects. Advanced functionality and complex interaction with house appliances build on 3D graphics, let alone brand-defining visuals and futuristic digital experiences.

3D Graphics


The complexity and heterogeneity of the target devices used in our SmartHome showcase Qt's visual capabilities on a broad range of hardware and software configurations. The flexibility of the Qt framework enables manufacturers to create powerful graphical applications while shortening time to market and reducing cost across any platform.


